New job offer :)

I’ve been offered another job, went for the interview twice and I made it! 🙂 YaY!!! I got notified yesterday, quite shocking! Never would’ve expected it. It’s quite a big company, internationally recognised, can’t wait..I’m so excited..
Well apart from the good news out of the blue, we’ve also had another unfortunate incident that happened to my sister 😦
She found out that she had a miscarriage.. It’s horrible, seems like this is a year filled with ups and downs for me 😦
The family was shocked to find out, once again another heartbreak~ I guess after all these mishaps and unfortunate events, we’ve all learned to grow from our experiences. We were all so happy and looking forward to expect a new member in our family, but I suppose things happened for a reason. Maybe the baby didn’t have a bond with our family and wasn’t meant to be born yet……. *sigh*
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6 Responses to New job offer :)

  1. DIAVOLO MORBO says:

      Saludos desde Puerto Rico…exito, muy buena pagina.

  2. Unknown says:


  3. Unknown says:

    很高興你會來到我的網誌…讓我很驚訝又開心… 昨天看了你的照片..覺得你很幸福能像個公主住在那麼大的像是"城堡"的家裡邊….我喜歡那個游泳池..haha…  你是一個美麗的公主.. 我不知道南非距離台灣有多遠?! 你能告訴我搭飛機要多久嗎?? 你的bro(ANDY)超可愛帥氣的~呵呵 我喜歡搞笑的他

  4. Unknown says:

    忘記跟你說.. 你3/26生日  我3/27生日 呵呵..  2007時我們可以同時互道HAPPY BIRTHDAY 了

  5. 元麟 says:


  6. krishna says:

    hi friend
    congrates  and u r space simpli nice

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